Ignoring the body’s song

A movement performance that delves into the realm of sleep. Exploring the questions that arise from slumber to the wake of daily life, within a world that unfolds between the realms of day and night. Between dreams and nightmares, we examine our approach to one of our body’s greatest needs: sleep.



Director: Stefan Droger

Performers: Rob Das, Frouwke Florentina, Salih Soner Er

Mentor: Ivar Schutte

Sound and music: Julien Essers

Production: SD Theater

Set design and costumes: Jill Gielkens & Dwayne 

Light: Luuk van Gils & Stefan Droger  

Stills: Siebe Pieters 

Location: NDSM PickUp Club, Marc Koolen and Reza Kamilfar

Concept development: Iris Korll


1st and 2nd of December, 2023
