Blackbird Sing

A jazz inspired song written for the fictional character Merel Bianca Brown,

Merel is a thirty something jazz singer under the name BB, who never had her breakthrough as she was still haunted by the death of her father, a pianotuner who worked mainly for the upper class.  

Than one day Merel Brown meets Lenon Philips in the bar she always performs. He falls in love with her the moment she comes down the stairs. She finds solace in his presence. A man much older than her. They become addicted to one another. A relationship characterised by highs and lows. 

The lyrics of Blackbird are close to my heart. Based on my dearest childhood memories of my father, whom I lost touch with for years to recently reconnect with. 

Music: Hester Kirkels

Lyrics: Hester Kirkels & Frouwke Florentina 

Performed by: Frouwke Florentina

Mix: Ellis Sportel 

Cover photo: Sam Bonouvrie

Footage: Tom van Elswijk, Jard Bazen.
